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We provide detailed reports from events, projects, and study visits, offering expert insights into market trends and innovation development

Apodissi: Driving Agricultural Innovation Through Agroecology

Apodissi continues to showcase its commitment to sustainable development and innovation as a key partner in the PrAEctiCe project.

This Horizon Europe Initiative, funded by the European Union, aims to advance sustainable agricultural practices across East Africa. By focusing on the integration of advanced technologies, the project seeks to promote agro-ecological transitions with scalable outcomes that can be replicated across Africa, including in Nigeria.

A recent feature on Science Nigeria highlights Apodissi’s instrumental role in promoting agroecological practices through the project’s recent Agroecology summit fostering sustainable food systems among farmers and other stakeholders in East Africa.

The article delves into the project’s mission to drive the agroecological transition among farmers, leveraging demonstration pilots and living labs to share knowledge, test innovations, and enhance agricultural practices. With Apodissi’s expertise in technology transfer and disseminating the project, it is making significant strides in addressing food security and climate resilience challenges.

You can read the full article on Science Nigeria here.

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