We provide detailed reports from events, projects, and study visits, offering expert insights into market trends and innovation development


We provide detailed reports from events, projects, and study visits, offering expert insights into market trends and innovation development

Science Summit, United Nations General Assembly UNGA 78

A representative from PrAEctiCe partner, Apodissi, attended an online event titled “How to Fast-Track Commercialisation of Research and Development Outputs in Organisations of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) Member Countries” on September 21, 2023. The event’s objective was to help unleash the innovative potential of the 79 member states of OACPS.

Gerard den Ouden,  OACPS Research and Innovation (R&I) Programme Manager, moderated the event. The debate focused on learning how to foster collaboration between academia, industry, government, and civil society to speed up the implementation of research and development results.

Furthermore, it addressed discovering the most effective ways government policies and regulations can facilitate the commercialisation of research and development outputs while safeguarding the public interest, including the accessibility of new technologies and products and their positive impact on people’s lives.

The OACPS Research and Innovation Programme has two main pillars: the Policy Support Facilities, assisting countries to develop policies, and the innovation programme. Members of the Partnership Support Facility, Mr Mucktarr Darboe, Director of STI, Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, Gambia and Mr Tom Peter Migun Ogada, Chairman of the Board of the Kenya National Innovation Agency (KNIA), presented their experiences on improving policy when it comes to science, technology and innovation. Three selected innovation projects were presented by Mr Alioune Faye, manager of the VaRRIWA projectMrs Lionelle Ngo-Samnick, Manager of the PDTIE project; and Mrs Legena Henry, CEO of Rum & Sargassum

H.E Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti, secretary general of OACPS, gave an opening remark on accelerating the commercialisation of research and development results in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. “The innovation potential in OACPS member countries must be freed through appropriate mechanisms, support innovation, and development priorities must be answered. To overcome these challenges, innovation, research, and development must be promoted in all the sectors of the member countries,” he stated.

Mrs Lionelle emphasised the importance of protecting and strengthening Intellectual Property (IP) rights to accelerate R&D output in the market. However, practical concerns must take precedence. Mr. Tom suggested identifying the obstacles that prevent research organisations and institutions from successfully commercialising their R&D output. By addressing these challenges, we can encourage a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among researchers.

Encouraging collaboration among various government entities and institutions can enhance the connection between researchers, innovators, and the government, ultimately promoting the marketing of innovative ideas. OACPS nations require increased investment from their respective governments. Studies indicate that governments only contribute 1% towards investment in West Africa. Mr Mucktarr further emphasised the significance of technology transfer offices in facilitating the commercialisation of research and development outputs. Nevertheless, in the OACPS member countries, there is a need to enhance the staff capacity of technology transfer offices and raise awareness within academic circles.

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